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TV & Movies


You can easily convert your autodl-irssi filters into autobrr filters using our built-in conversion tool by going to Filters > ▼ button right next to "Create Filter" > Import Filter. Please note that not IRC channels and IRC networks will not be imported. You will have to do that manually yourself.

Most fields can take a comma separated list like value1, value2.

The comma separated lists supports wildcards, where * means 0 or more characters and ? means exactly one character. An example would be: *this*,that?movie. In this case we would match any title containing this (or tHiS) or in the second case, any title which matches exactly like That Movie or tHaT MoViE or even THAT.MOVIE.

If no value is specified in a field, then that field will match any/all possible values. That means if nothing but Filter Name and Indexers is given, then the filter it will match all/any releases for the specified indexers.

Please note that all filters are case-insensitive, so write them however you desire. Another thing to note is that it is not possible to escape wildcard fields.


If you want to match a string partially, then don't forget to use the * around the before/after/around what you're looking for. If you want to match a string exactly, then try to avoid the use of the * wildcard character.

Movies/ShowsComma separated list of media names to match.e.g. That?Movie, *the*
YearsComma separated list of acceptable year ranges in the string.e.g. 2019,2020-2022
SeasonsComma separated list of acceptable TV show seasons in the string.e.g. 1,3-6
EpisodesComma separated list of acceptable TV show episodes in the string.e.g. 1,2,10-20

The Movies/Shows field operates on the parsed media title. This means it is guaranteed not contain dots and underscores, often found in release strings. However, it's still better to err on the safer side and use the ? wildcard character instead.


ResolutionsWill match releases which contain any of the selected resolutions.
SourcesWill match releases which contain any of the selected sources.
CodecsWill match releases which contain any of the selected codecs.
ContainersWill match releases which contain any of the selected containers.
Match HDRWill match releases which contain any of the selected HDR designations.
Except HDRWon't match releases which contain any of the selected HDR designations (takes priority over Match HDR).
Match OtherWill match releases which contain any of the selected designations.
Except OtherWon't match releases which contain any of the selected Other designations (takes priority over Match Other).