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Version: Latest

Lists Overview

Lists allow you to automatically transform monitored media from various sources into autobrr filters:

  • Shows, movies, books and music from *arr applications
  • Titles from external services (Trakt, MDBList, Metacritic, etc.)

Quick Setup Guide

1. Access Lists Settings

Navigate to Settings -> Lists to begin setup.

2. Create a New List

  1. Click "Add new list"
  2. Fill in the basic settings:
    • List name
    • Select type (e.g., Radarr, Sonarr)
    • Choose instance

3. Optional Configuration

  • Match Releases: Uses Match Releases field instead of Movies/Shows field
  • Include Unmonitored: Includes unmonitored titles (useful for cross-seed filters)
  • Alternate Titles: Includes alternate titles in the filter

4. Finalize Setup

  1. Select target filter(s)
  2. Click "Save"

Note: Filters update immediately upon save and refresh every 6 hours automatically.

Filter Customization

You can improve filtering further by configuring fields like:

  • Resolutions
  • Categories
  • Other filter criteria

Lists will only overwrite the specific fields they manage during updates.

Field Usage by List Type

List TypeFields Used
Music (e.g. Metacritic or Lidarr)Artists, Albums
Movies/TV (e.g. Sonarr, Radarr, Trakt, MDBList)Movies/Shows (or Match Releases if enabled)
PlaintextMovies/Shows (or Match Releases if enabled)
SteamMatch Releases

Automatic Updates via Webhook

Setup Instructions

  1. In your *arr application, go to Settings -> Connect -> Webhook
  2. Configure the webhook:
    Name: Some name
    Events: On Movie Added, On Movie Deleted
    Method: POST

Show Advanced Settings

  1. Click the cogwheel icon
  2. Add header:
    • Key: X-API-Token
    • Value: your-autobrr-api-key
  3. Test and Save

This webhook will trigger filter updates whenever media is added or removed from your *arr instance.