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Version: Latest


autobrr can send notifications on the following events:

  • Push Rejected (rejected by arr or download client rules)
  • Push Approved (approved by arr or download client)
  • Push Error (error when sending to download client)
  • IRC Disconnected (IRC disconnected unexpectedly)
  • IRC Reconnected (IRC reconnected after disconnect)
  • New update (new app update available)

Supported Agents



There is currently a bug when using the Push Error event. It may leak your Download Client API/passkeys to the Discord channel. Keep that in mind if your Discord channel is accessible by others.

To set up notifications for Discord, head to Settings > Notifications.

  1. Click Add new.
  2. Pick Discord from the list and give it a name.
  3. Choose what events it should trigger on. You can enable all in the same agent or create separate agents for separate events.
  4. Add your Webhook URL.
  5. Click the Test button to try and send a test notification.
  6. Save.

Webhook URLs are created in Discord. Go to Server Settings in your Discord server and click Integrations, followed by Webhooks. Click New Webhook and follow the steps to copy the webhook URL.


To set up notifications for LunaSea, head to Settings > Notifications.

  1. Click Add new.
  2. Pick LunaSea from the list and give it a name.
  3. Select what events to trigger on.
  4. Add your Webhook URL
  5. Click the Test button to try and send a test notification.
  6. Save.


To set up notifications for Notifiarr, head to Settings > Notifications.

  1. Click Add new.
  2. Pick Notifiarr in the list and give it a name.
  3. Choose what events it should trigger on. You can enable all in the same agent or create separate agents for separate events.
  4. Add your Notifiarr API key.
  5. Click the Test button to try and send a test notification.
  6. Save.


Documentation: Official docs.

To set up notifications for Notifiarr, head to Settings > Notifications.

  1. Click Add new.
  2. Pick ntfy in the list and give it a name.
  3. Choose what events it should trigger on. You can enable all in the same agent or create separate agents for separate events.
  4. Add your ntfy topic URL.
  5. Add username and password
  6. Add token
  7. Click the Test button to try and send a test notification.
  8. Save.


To set up notifications for Pushover, head to Settings > Notifications.

  1. Click Add new.
  2. Pick Pushover from the list and give it a name.
  3. Choose what events it should trigger on. You can enable all in the same agent or create separate agents for separate events.
  4. Create an app with Pushover.
  5. Fill in the app token and user key.
  6. Click the Test button to try and send a test notification.
  7. Save.


To set up notifications for Gotify, head to Settings > Notifications.

  1. Click Add new.
  2. Pick Gotify from the list and give it a name.
  3. Add your Gotify URL
  4. Add your Application Token
  5. Click the Test button to try and send a test notification.
  6. Save.


Shoutrrr is a library that supports a lot of different notification services all in one.

Supported services:

  • Bark
  • Discord
  • Email
  • Gotify
  • Google Chat
  • Join
  • Mattermost
  • Matrix
  • Ntfy
  • OpsGenie
  • Pushbullet
  • Pushover
  • Rocketchat
  • Slack
  • Teams
  • Telegram
  • Zulip Chat
  • Generic Webhook

Documentation: Offical docs.

To set up notifications for Shoutrrr, head to Settings > Notifications.

  1. Click Add new.
  2. Pick Shoutrrr from the list and give it a name.
  3. Add your Shoutrrr URL that contains the service and variables, eg: slack://[botname@]token-a/token-b/token-c
  4. Click the Test button to try and send a test notification.
  5. Save.


Telegram is a bit more tricky to set up.

  1. Click Add new.
  2. Pick Telegram from the list and give it a name.
  3. Choose what events it should trigger on. You can enable all in the same agent or create separate agents for separate events.
  4. Create a bot with BotFather.
  5. Start a chat with your bot, add @get_id_bot, and issue the /my_id command to retrieve your chat ID.
  6. Add your Chat ID, Bot Token, and the Message Thread ID.
  7. Click the Test button to try and send a test notification.
  8. Save.