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Configuring autobrr

The primary configuration entry point for autobrr is config.toml, which should be located in the --config directory you specified to the autobrr process or in the config/ directory relative from which autobrr is running. Do note that you do not need to create it yourself, as the autobrr daemon will do it automatically for you in case it does not exist upon first start.

# config.toml

# Hostname / IP
# Default: "localhost"
host = ""

# Port
# Default: 7474
port = 7474

# Base url
# Set custom baseUrl eg /autobrr/ to serve in subdirectory.
# Not needed for subdomain, or by accessing with the :port directly.
# Optional
#baseUrl = "/autobrr/"

# Base url mode legacy (added in v1.55.0)
# This is kept for compatibility with older versions doing url rewrite on the proxy.
# If you use baseUrl you can set this to false and skip any url rewrite in your proxy.
# Default: true
baseUrlModeLegacy = true

# autobrr logs file
# If not defined, logs to stdout
# Optional
#logPath = "log/autobrr.log"

# Log level
# Default: "DEBUG"
# Options: "ERROR", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "TRACE"
logLevel = "TRACE"

# Log Max Size
# Default: 50
# Max log size in megabytes
#logMaxSize = 50

# Log Max Backups
# Default: 3
# Max amount of old log files
#logMaxBackups = 3

# Check for updates
# Default: true
checkForUpdates = true

# Session secret
# Can be generated by running: head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c16
sessionSecret = "secret-session-key"

# OpenID Connect Configuration
# Enable OIDC authentication
#oidcEnabled = false
# OIDC Issuer URL (e.g.
#oidcIssuer = ""
# OIDC Client ID
#oidcClientId = ""
# OIDC Client Secret
#oidcClientSecret = ""
# OIDC Redirect URL (e.g. http://localhost:7474/api/auth/oidc/callback)
#oidcRedirectUrl = ""
# Disable Built In Login Form (only works when using external auth)
#oidcDisableBuiltInLogin = false

# Metrics
# Enable metrics endpoint
#metricsEnabled = true

# Metrics server host
#metricsHost = ""

# Metrics server port
#metricsPort = "9074"

# Metrics basic auth
# Comma separate list of user:password. Password must be htpasswd bcrypt hashed. Use autobrrctl to generate.
# Only enabled if correctly set with user:pass.
#metricsBasicAuthUsers = ""

# Custom definitions
#customDefinitions = "/home/$YOUR_USER/.config/autobrr/definitions"

Config options

  • host: If not using a reverse proxy or in a container, change to
  • port: If port already in use, then change to a free one.
  • logLevel: Choose how much log output you want to see. The autobrr process will need to be restarted in order for this change to take effect.
  • sessionSecret: Used for session cookies. Change to something more random like a UUID.
  • (optional) baseUrl: Supports running on both the root url and in a subpath, as well as subdomain. Uncomment if needed.
  • (optional) baseUrlModeLegacy: (Added in v1.55.0) When set to false, no URL rewrite is needed in your proxy configuration. Set to true to maintain compatibility with older proxy configurations that use URL rewrites.
  • (optional) logPath:Considering autobrr is rather new software, it might be beneficial for logging to be enabled. If running with systemd you can use journalctl to check logs. The log file is rotated as soon as it reaches 50MB, up to 3 times. In other words, the maximum space which the log files can occupy is 150MB, which takes a long time to fill.

Create user via command line (optional)

This step is not needed, unless you wish to create a user via the command line. Instead the process of creating an user can be done via the web UI instead, which is the recommended way to do it.

To create a user alongside the initial database, you need to use autobrrctl. Specify your config directory via the --config argument, followed by create-user and then your wanted username. After executing the command, you will prompted to enter a password.


autobrrctl --config ~/.config/autobrr create-user USERNAME

Other options

Make sure to read through all of the articles as all of them have some important information on how to get autobrr up and running.

Additional help

If you're having any trouble with the documentation, join us at Discord and we will do our best to help.

If you have found a bug or are having an issue, please open an issue on GitHub